Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Fired Up...Ready to Go!!!

Although many of you know where my political allegiances lay, I do not generally push anyone else to believe as I do. But at this moment in time I think it is incredibly important to *speak up*. Barack Obama is not just a man with a dream, or the candidate of hope, he is the best chance this country has seen in a long time. He represents the views of those of us breathing idealism. He has engaged and motivated a whole new generation without which democracy will not continue. Please, if you have not considered him, do and if you have and have not decided on him, reconsider.
Here is a link (http://www.barackobama.com/index.php#) to the video of Barack that you may have seen on CNN last night. It was not made by his campaign, but by supporters, or as I call them *believers*.
Please take this moment to help change history, to elect the person who will lead with dignity and justice and put the *United* back into the United States.

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